What are the causes of Anxiety? Reason or causes of Anxiety Disorder varies from person to person and there exists a specific reason behind every anxiety disorder. We are trying unveiling the CAUSES: Fear that would have resulted from accumulation of the fear over time creates anxiety at late stage. Family idiosyncrasy Biological and genetic factors ‘Cognitive Factor’: Thoughts in mind which would have triggered out of excessive thinking, brings anxiety activity in life. Losing belief in oneself and thus understanding one’s capacity can lead to unnecessary anxiety. ‘Personality Types’- few people are comparative more anxious. Chemical imbalance in the brain. GET FLAT 30% OFF BUY AMBIEN ONLINE IN USA What do understand by Anxiety word? Anxiety is an alarm system that is activated whenever that is activated whenever a person perceives danger or threat. Anxiety Disorder are illnesses related to a fear or anxiety response becoming activated in a situation when it ...